About Our College
Principal’s Welcome
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Ringwood Secondary College website.
We are a truly dynamic, vibrant and globally engaged school located at the gateway to the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The website will provide you with a wealth of information about the College, its programs, policies, activities and opportunities to be involved as active members of our community.
Our College has a long and successful tradition of academic excellence and innovative learning practices. Our staff take great pride in providing a safe and secure learning environment, whilst at the same time providing a full range of dynamic and challenging academic and extracurricular programs.
Regular updates of this website will keep visitors, and particularly current and prospective parents, in touch with the latest news and excitement of school life at Ringwood.
Our Values
Ringwood Secondary College is an inclusive learning community that caters for the development of the whole person, allowing them to reach their full potential. Our aim is for every child to experience growth and success.
This vision is underpinned by the core values of Respect, Resilience and Achievement; these values are the cornerstone of culture at our school.
Ringwood’s core objectives are to ensure that students have all the skills, knowledge and attributes that would be expected after 13 years of schooling, so that their personal growth enables them to have the capacity to participate as responsible and productive citizens in a global community.
Rosina Fotia

Ringwood Secondary College, located in the gateway to the Outer Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, is a school of over 1500 students from Years 7 to 12, drawn from more than 50 primary schools including from out of the local area. Enrolments have steadily increased and there is strong demand for entry at all year levels.
There are over a 110 teaching staff at the College led by a team of 4 principal class and 11 leading teachers. The teaching staff is supported by 35 non-teaching staff, most of whom work in the areas of Administration, Library, Integration, Science, Food Studies and Wellbeing. The College also has an ICT team which provides specialist technical and computer support and the student Wellbeing Team is supported by a Nurse, Youth Worker, Social Worker and Guidance Officer and Chaplains.
The College has three sub-schools: Junior, Middle and Senior; each with its own leader who heads a team of Coordinators and Bounce Tutors. The curriculum is managed by Teaching and Learning Leaders, and Heads of Learning Areas.
The College attracts a strong level of parent participation.
- are active members of the School Council and its committees
- participate on one of the five parent support groups
- regularly contribute to working bees
Every member of the College community has a right to fully participate in an educational environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive.
Ringwood Secondary College is proud to provide an educational environment that ensures that all students are valued and cared for, feel they are part of the school, and can engage effectively in their learning and experience success.
The Vision and Values statement for Ringwood Secondary College was developed through widespread consultation with all members of the College community. It is based on the four pillars of education introduced in a report presented to UNESCO by the International Commission on Education for the twenty-first century.