
Heritage and Alumni Group

One of the many functions this committee has is to offer students who have displayed skill in Sport, The Arts or Science at school the opportunity to be recognised by this college, where they have carried those skills into their careers and have become successful during their working years.  They can nominate, or be nominated, for recognition in one of the “halls” created to encourage later students to excel in their school work and also become achievers.

If you are one who has used your skills effectively during your working life we would like to hear from you.  You may have achieved recognition in your workplace, have been a sporting champion or administrator, received community recognition for your artistic talents in music or films or become one of many people in the science world that have contributed to further the pursuits of science.

You may know people who fit into these groups, so we urge you to let us know so we can follow up and perhaps add their names to the College’s high achievers list in one of these halls.

In more recent years, a Hall of Fame has been added for those who may have made a long-term contribution to the community in some way to assist others through a volunteer organisation, welfare organisation, or an administrator of a sporting or community group to bring new skills and ideas to that organisation and community.

Please let us know by contacting the College on (03) 9870 2002 with the details. It is difficult for us to know who these people are.  They may have been at school when you were there, or they may be involved in the same organisation as you. We seek your assistance in recognising these past students where we can.

Barry Ring
Convenor – RSC Heritage and Alumni Group

Heritage Perpetual Scholarship

The College Heritage and Alumni Group has introduced a new scholarship for students entering VCE, who are deserving of support in order to complete their secondary education, with the first scholarship being awarded in 2016.

College contact: Heritage Committee Assistant Principal on 9870 2002 or at [email protected]

Ringwood History


Opened in 1954, Ringwood High School (Ringwood Secondary College) enjoyed a traditional life with Domestic Science, Cadets, prefects and trips to the Royal Melbourne Show. Nowadays the curriculum is global, creative and technological.

Today the Heritage and Alumni group supports reunions, promotes celebrations, produced ‘Ringwood Recalls’ – 50 years of schooling, crafted five Jubilee Quilts and fosters the recognition of students through four halls: Heritage, Sporting Hall of Fame, Arts Hall of Achievement and Science Hall of Excellence.

An Honour Board recognises staff with 20 years of service to the College.

Members of the Heritage and Alumni group help at key functions, interview students and provide links with the wider community. It is with pride that the College welcomes second and third generation students.

2014 Witnessed:

  • the unveiling of six granite, stainless steel capped bollards to commemorate events and images across the decades. Plaques for individuals may be purchased and fixed to the bollards to recognise former students and staff. Please contact the College.
  • five past students being inducted into the Hall of Heritage
  • publication of ‘The Diamond Decade’, an update recording the history of the College between 2004 – 2013 
  • an afternoon reunion for past students and teachers
  • a musical evening, ‘If these walls could talk’, paid tribute to performances over the years.